July 2018: production end of some Mitsubishi parts (PDN-18-01)

 MITSUBISHI will stop the production of some more modules in 2019. Last  time buy opportunity for the
 following parts is Nov. 29th 2018.

 We would like to beg all our customers to check up their future need of the modules listed below
 as fast as possible and place their order by middle of November 2018 latest.

 List of discontinuation PDN-P-18-01:

Discontinued Part Name Recommended new type
PM100CL1A060#300G  PM100CL1A060#350G
PM100CL1A120#300G PM100CL1A120#350G
PM100CL1B060#300G PM100CL1B060#350G     
PM100CLA060#300G  PM100CL1A060#350G
PM100CLA120#300G  PM100CL1A120#350G
PM100RL1A120#300G PM150RL1A120#300G         
PM200CL1A060#300G PM200CL1A060#350G
PM200RL1A060#300G PM200RL1A060#350G    
PM25CL1A120#300G PM50CL1A120#350G  
PM25RLB120#300G PM50RL1B120#350G
PM50CLB0120#300G PM50CL1B120#350G
PM50RLB120#300G PM50RL1B120#350G
PM75CL1A120#300G PM75CL1A120#350G
PM75CL1B120#300G PM75CL1B120#350G              
PM75RLB060#300G PM75RL1B060#350G
PM75RLB120#300G PM75RL1B120#350G 


Ineltron is distributor of MITSUBISHI, Powerex (USA), Isahaya Electronics (Japan), InPower and Powersem (Germany)..
We are also selling busbars of eldre (now Mersen, France), heat sinks and assembly components.

INELTRON GmbH, Hugenottenstr. 30, 61381 Friedrichsdorf, Germany
FAX:   + 49 6172 75933      phone:  + 49 6172 59 88 09     E-Mail:  info@ineltron.de









       ShengYe capacitors

    discrete components

       standard thyristors
       fast switching thyristors
       standard diodes
       fast switching diodes







   > Mitsubishi EOL 2018
